View Current Graduate Course information
CMS Courses During Covid
The Centre for Medieval Studies will be offering a full year of courses in the Fall and Spring terms of 2021-2022. Because of prevailing circumstances, most courses will be offered with a dual delivery mode – an in-person section (INPER) and an online section (SYNC). A course that indicates SYNC only means the course will be offered exclusively online.
You can view the 2021-22 PIMS Timetable (PDF) or check the preliminary CMS Course List below.
2022-2022 CMS Course List
MST 1001Y. Medieval Latin IIS. Ghosh (S) M-F 1-2 pm LI 310 Fall & Spring
MST 1002H. Advanced Latin: Medieval Lives of the Authors C. O'HoganW 9-11 LI 301 Spring
MST 1003Y. Professional Development for Medieval Studies PhDsPlacement Committee F 11–1 pm LI 310 Fall & Spring
MST 1023H. Early Medieval Latin and Greek Poetry C. O'Hogan W 9-11 LI 301 Fall
MST 1104H. Latin Palaeography IS. PelleT 10-12, F 10-11PIMS 'L' Fall
MST 1105H. Latin Palaeography IIG. Dinkova BruunT 10-12, F 10-11PIMS ‘L’Spring CANCELLED
MST 1110H. Diplomatics and diplomatic editing S. Ghosh W 2-4 LI 310 Fall
MST 1384H. Exeter Book of Old English Verse A. Walton M 2-4 LI 301 Spring
MST 1422H. Introduction to the Study of Magic in the Middle Ages J. Haines R 2-4 LI 301 Spring
MST 2029H. Introduction to Old Irish B. Miles R 11-1 LI 310 Spring CANCELLED
MST 2031H. Topics in Medieval Celtic Literature: The Medieval Celtic Heroic Tradition B. Miles R 11-1 LI 310 Fall
MST 3016H. Intermediate Ge’ez R. Holmstedt R 9-12 Bancroft Hal lRoom TBD Fall
MST 3123H. Intro to Medieval Medicine N. Everett R 9-11 LI 301 Fall
MST 3165H. Vernacular Religious Literature D. Kullman W 11-1 LI 103 Fall
MST 3226H. Medieval Mediterranean History M. Meyerson T 2-4 LI 301 Spring
MST 3263H. Gender and Sexuality in Medieval Lit. M. Roby M 11-1 LI 310 Spring
MST 3311H. Topics in Medieval Metaphysics P. King M 11-1 online Fall
MST 3321H. Medieval Philosophy of Mind D. Black W 11-1 LI 310 Spring
MST 3347H. Late Antique and Early Medieval Philosophical Commentators J. Magee M 9-11 LI 301 Fall
MST 3501H. Intro to Medieval Christian Liturgy J. Haines R 2-4 LI 310 Fall
MST 3603H. Society and Literary Texts in Medieval Spain Y. Iglesias T 11-1 LI 301 Spring
MST 9310F. Directed ReadingStaffN/AN/AFall
MST 9310S. Directed ReadingStaffN/AN/ASpring
MST 9310Y. Directed ReadingStaffN/AN/AYear
MST 9315F. Directed ReadingStaffN/AN/AFall
MST 9315S. Directed ReadingStaffN/AN/ASpring
Reminder: PhD students at the Centre are free to select any courses from the annual CMS list (above) and cross-listed courses (* below identifies cross-listed courses), provided that they have the necessary prerequisites. In view of the centre’s interdisciplinary nature, some courses on the Middle Ages can be taken in other departments, with the approval of the PhD Co-ordinator. If you are interested in other courses, please remember to contact the CMS PhD Coordinator to have them approved before enrolling.
Art History
Course | Instructor | Details |
The Medieval Treasury
J. Caskey | Wednesday, 1-4pm
This course exmaines medieval church treasuries, their contents and architectural settings, and the ways they have been conceptualized from the Middle Ages to the present. It highlights the diversity of treasury contents, from liturgical chalices to legal documents, who contributed to the shape of such colletions and why, and how the collections were documented. Major themes in present-day art history create the conceptual underpinnings of the course, including materiality, collecting and display, mobility, and patronage. The course will provide opportunities for students to work with objects in local museums and to develop research projects in the Digital Humanities. Recommended: Reading knowledge of French, German, Italian, and Latin helpful.
Course | Instructor | Details |
ENG1002HSIntroduction to Old English II: Beowulf
F. Michelet | This course is devoted to a collaborative reading and analysis of the Old English poem Beowulf: its language, its cultural and historical backgrounds, and its style. The work of our class will rely on close and informed attention to the poem's language and rhetorical strategies. In addition, we'll begin to explore some of the more technical aspects of studying Old English verse: possible topics include metrical analysis, paleography, and/or the problems of dating and authorship.
Completion of Old English I or its equivalent is desirable, but not a prerequisite. Course Reading List: Edition: R. D. Fulk et al., eds., Klaeber's Beowulf and the Fight at Finnsburg, 4th ed. (Toronto: U of Toronto Press, 2008). Secondary texts: TBA. Course Method of Evaluation and Requirements: Class time will be spent in discussion and translation of the poem. Each student will be expected to lead at least one seminar (with a 1-2 page critique handed in on the day of the seminar). Evaluation: class work: 15%; class presentations: 15%; short essay (abstract): 10%; final paper: 60%) Term: S-TERM (January 2022 to April 2022) Time/Date: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Fridays |
French Language and Literature
Course | Instructor | Details |
Advanced Oral and Written French for Academic purposes |
NOT OFFERED IN 2021-2022 | |
Initiation à l’ancien français /Medieval French Language |
Ce cours se propose de présenter les bases de la langue française du Moyen Âge, à travers une sélection d’extraits de textes originaux. On étudiera la morphologie et la syntaxe de l’ancien français, avec un aperçu de la phonétique historique et de la création lexicale. Les étudiants feront également connaissance avec les outils de travail existants (dictionnaires, grammaires). Les textes choisis permettront de se familiariser avec différents dialectes et de faire un tour d’horizon des principaux genres littéraires des 11e, 12e et 13e siècles; on s'en tiendra cependant à la lecture et n'approfondira pas le côté interprétatif. La description de la langue insistera davantage sur la dimension synchronique que sur la diachronie. Ce cours est également offert au niveau sous-gradué. Quelques séances supplémentaires seront obligatoires pour les étudiants gradués, mais facultatifs pour les étudiants sous-gradués. | |
Reading French Course for Graduate Students |
TBA | |
Old French Reading Group | D. Kullmann | Time and location TBA. Please contact the instructor if interested. |
Byzantine Greek Reading Group | D. Kullmann | Time and location TBA. Please contact the instructor if interested. |
Germanic Languages and Literature
Course | Instructor | Details |
GER1200HS Introduction to Medieval German Studies | M. Stock |
This course offers an introduction to the German language, literature, and culture of the Middle Ages. We will read and translate Middle High German texts, study facsimiles of medieval manuscripts, and inquire into epochal cultural concepts like courtly love and chivalry as well as courtly and clerical designs of identity. Authors discussed will include Hartmann von Aue and Walther von der Vogelweide among others. Reading knowledge in German or any medieval Germanic language is an asset, but no prerequisite. |
GER 6000F/S Reading German for Graduate Students |
In this course, German reading knowledge is taught following the grammar-translation method designed for graduate students from the Humanities. It is an intensive course that covers German grammar with focus on acquiring essential structures of the German language to develop translation skills. The course is conducted in English, and consequently participants do not learn how to speak or write in German, but rather the course focuses exclusively on reading and translating German. Prior knowledge of German not mandatory. By the end of the course, students should be able to handle a broad variety of texts in single modern Standard German. This course is not intended for MA or PhD students in German. |
Italian Studies
Course | Instructor | Details |
ITA 1200HS Dante | E. Brilli | An examination of Dante’s works and criticism on them. This year course will focus on Dante’s life and offer a crossed-examination of the extant documentation on Dante’s life and the “autobiographical” declarations contained in his works. |
Near and Middle Eastern Civilization
Course | Instructor | Details |
NMC2110Al-Jahiz and His Debate Partners
Tuesdays, 1-4 pm, starting January 11 2022 |
J. Miller | Al-Jahiz was a ninth-century polymath who incorporated every field of intellectual inquiry into his own essayistic and compilatory literary form. He has been credited as a foundational prose stylist for the Arabic literary tradition, as well as the first contributor to Arabic literary theory and criticism. His works also provide important and understudied insight into ninth century theology, exegesis, and natural science. In this class, we will examine a variety of his works, from short epistles to excerpts of his longer works. Part of the analytic process will be to reconstruct the polemical context in which these works were written, and thus readings will be selected to illuminate his relationship to contemporary discourses, such as law, theology, Quran interpretation, logic, dialectic, and poetry. Weekly reading assignments are in the original Arabic. |
Collaborative Program in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
Proseminar for the Collaborative Program in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy Limited to CPAMP students
Year, Monday 4-6 Breadth Requirement: N/A Location: LI 301 (Lillian Massey Building, 125 Queen’s Park)
Mandatory for CPAMP students in Y1 and 2; program students who have fulfilled this requirement are expected to attend regularly. Other interested doctoral students are welcome to attend as well and should contact the program director to indicate their interest. The proseminar has three components: a series of seminars; an ancient Greek philosophy reading group; and a Latin medieval philosophy reading group. All students in the proseminar must attend the seminars and at least one of the reading groups; students are warmly encouraged to attend both reading groups.
Latin Reading Group
Greek Reading Group
Book History and Print Culture (Program)
Due to the current circumstances, applications will be evaluated in early September. You are welcome to contact the Director of the program, Prof. Alan Galey, over the summer for information.
Course | Instructor | Details |
BKS 1001F
Introduction to Book History |
This foundational course, required for all BHPC students in their first term, will introduce students to basic topics such as the semiotics of the book; orality and writing systems; book production from manuscript to computer technology; the development of printing; the concept of authorship; copyright; censorship; the economics of book production and distribution; libraries and the organization of information; principles of bibliographical description; print in other formats (newspapers, magazines, advertisements, etc.); reading and readership; editorial theory and practice. We will also study many artifacts and tools of the trade in situ through visits to the Massey College Bibliography Room and Coach House Books. |
BKS 1002S
Book History in Practice |
BKS 2000H
Advanced Seminar in Book History and Print Culture |
The Archive as Text. The field of textual studies is concerned with the production, transmission, preservation, and ongoing history of texts. Recent developments in this field have encouraged an expansion of the term “text” to include all attempts at representation whatever form they may take. Drawing on readings from a range of fields, including textual criticism, archival studies, history, anthropology, and lifewriting, this seminar will explore how archives might be conceptualized as texts and the implications and limitations of that conceptualization. | |
BKS 2001H
Practicum in Book History and Print Culture |
Jewish Studies (Program)
Sexual Diversity Studies (Specialization)
Woman and Gender Studies (Specialization)