Funding Opportunities for PhD Students

New Funding Opportunities in the Centre 2023-2026 

Over the summer, the CMS Executive reviewed the Centre’s restricted funds. We have made some changes to the types of funding we can provide to students on an annual basis and have created a new funding source for students in order to support an earlier time to completion. While the Centre seeks to be consistent in its support of students, it is important to acknowledge that there are often circumstances beyond our control that govern how we disburse funds. Funding strategies are updated at least every three years, and changes may occur in the future. Should you have any questions about any of these funding opportunities, please contact Associate Director, Jim Ginther.   

Annual Funding Opportunities

Based on the annual investment income of our restricted funds, the Centre will provide funding in the four categories below. Students are eligible only once for each category below.

Conference/Research Travel in North America

The Centre will provide funding for five students per year for a maximum reimbursement of $1,000 for receipted expenses. The conference fund will be open to all students in the PhD program, although priority will be given to students who demonstrate that the conference will contribute to their dissertation research.  

Overseas Conference/Research Travel

The Center will provide funding for five students per year for a maximum reimbursement of $2,500 for receipted expenses. While this fund is also open to all PhD students, priority will be given to students seeking funding for research travel and who have achieved candidacy.  

When and how to Apply: Application for travel is due by January 15 each year for travel to take place from February to July, and by June 15 for travel from August to January. Please complete a CMS travel bursary form and submit it to the Graduate Administrator. Students are still expected to seek funding for travel and research costs from other sources, such as the School of Graduate Studies and learned societies that offer funding to graduate students. Visit the Scholarships and Awards page for more funding opportunities and see a list of External Bursaries below.

Publication Prize

The Centre will award a $1,000 honorarium to a student who has published their first peer-reviewed article or book chapter in the last twelve months. There will be no restrictions on how the recipient may use the honorarium. Up to eight prizes may be awarded each year.  

When and how to Apply: Applications for the Publication Prize are due by November 1 each year. The CMS Publications Committee will oversee the distribution of this award. To qualify for this prize, students must submit to the Director of the Centre (ex officio Chair of CMS Publications Committee) an abstract, a digital copy of the publication (proofs or pre-prints do not qualify), along with evidence of peer review.  

Discretionary Spending

The Centre will reserve a set amount each year for discretionary funds. In some years, this will be used to cover the expenses in the previous three categories should the investment income be less than expected. Otherwise, the Centre will use these funds to support entrance scholarships and students facing unforeseen circumstances for which no other adequate support is available. 

Time-Limited Funding Opportunities

CMS Dissertation Completion Fellowship (DCF)

As an extraordinary measure, the Centre will offer additional funding to students in P6 or P7 who are near completion of their dissertation. “Near completion” is defined as having no more than one chapter left to write or having a full written draft requiring only revisions prior to submission for the FOE. The $9.000 DCF is intended to foster timely completion by releasing financial pressure on students, and can be awarded only once. Based on the current forecast, this extraordinary initiative should last for the next six years, or until these reserved funds are exhausted 

When and how to Apply: DCF does not require any application. To qualify, the annual committee report in the Spring will indicate that the student is near completion and will submit in the following academic year. The fall mandatory Annual Advisory meeting with the PhD Coordinator will offer the opportunity to “check in” with the student and the supervisor and confirm that the expected progress is being made.  

Please note: The DCF is separate from both the Dissertation Completion Award (DCA), which is granted in P6, and normally covers tuition at the minimum, and the Program Level Fellowship (PLF), currently under review. The DCF is an additional award and does not affect the value of either the DCA or the PLF.

External Bursaries

International Congress on Medieval Studies (ICMS), Western Michigan University
International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds

Medieval Academy of America
Graduate Student Annual Meeting Bursaries 
The Inclusivity and Diversity Travel Grant
The Inclusivity and Diversity Research Grant

International Center of Medieval Art
ICMA Student Travel Grant
ICMA Student Research Grant

Royal Historical Society (RHS) Research Funding

Mitacs Globalink Research Award (GRA)

Disability Scholarships and Funding
Scholarships and Funding for Underrepresented Groups

Students should also consult the academic society of which they are a member (American Historical Society, New Chaucer Society, etc.) for funding opportunities for graduate students. The CMS Weekly Digest can also serve as a resource in finding scholarships and prizes.