
All dissertations by Centre for Medieval Studies students are available through Theses Canada and the University of Toronto library system. Most PhD Dissertations and Master’s theses completed since 2008 are also available on T-Space.

To add or update your current position, please contact medieval.communications@utoronto.ca


Menendez, Katie (January 2024) "Time and History in the early Anglo-Norman World: Durham c.1080-1130"

  • Lecturer, Department of English at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Conwell, Amy (April 2023) "Mental Disease in Late Medieval England"

Moncion, Laura (July 2023) "'Closen leben das ist nut ein cleines ding': Women Recluses in Alsace, c.1200–1500"

  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study / Institute for Ethics and the Common Good


Jalsevac, John (October 2023) "Aquinas’s Philosophy of Memory"

  • Headmaster, Our Lady of the Wayside Catholic School

Berardi, Alessia (September 2023) "Vita, scientia, doctrina: Stephen Langton and the biblical model of the 'good master' in the twelfth-century schools"

  • Assistant Professor of Medieval History, Christendom College

Arnwine, Justin (June 2023) "Re-reading the Jacob of the 'Jacobites': Heresiology and the Reception of Jacob of Serugh and Jacob Baradaeus"

Cardwell, Samuel (January 2023) "The Idea of Evangelisation in Latin Christianity from the Early Church to Bede"

  • Teaching Associate in Early Medieval English History, University of Nottingham


Pica, Francesco (November 2022) "John Duns Scotus on Cognitive Acts: Their Causes, Ontological Nature, and Intentional Character"

  • Assistant Professor of Philosophy, St. Augustine's Seminary-University of Toronto

Finan, Alicia (September 2022) "The Book of the judgements of Calatarama: A case study of a Medieval Spanish Geomancy"

Horsfall, Walker (August 2022) "Science and Natural Philosophy in the Poetry of Heinrich von Meissen (Frauenlob)"

  • Assistant Professor, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Clemens, Sister Maria Parousia (July 2022) "My Sister My Bride: The Liturgical Rites of Monastic Profession and Consecration of Virgins in the Usage of Monastic Women in the Central Middle Ages"

Kinney, Shirley (March 2022) "The Origins of the Herbarium of Pseudo-Apuleius"


Wood, Hannah (October 2021), "Intersections of Voluntary and Involuntary Poverty:The Friars and the Lay Indigent in Late Medieval England, 1221–c.1430"

  • Lecturer in History, St. Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan

Whedbee, Simon (November 2021), "Peter Comestor’s Lectures on the Gospel of Luke and its Glosses (c. 1163-8): A Critical Edition and Study"

Fatigati, Michael (August 2021) "Avicenna on Emotions: Their Nature and Significance for Knowledge and Morality"

  • Software Engineer (DevOps), Ridgeline

Durham, Ben (August 2021), "Sermones magistri Petri Comestoris: Re-evalutaing Peter Comestor’s Preaching with a Critical Edition of Four Sermons"

  • Books & Fine Arts Specialist, A.H. Wilkens

Laird, Cameron (June 2021) "The Poetic Tradition of Anglo-Saxon Riddles"

  • Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Toronto

Fredette, Anthony (June 2021) "The Medieval Thebaid"

Brouillard, Lochin (May 2021) “Families of Flesh, Families of Spirit: Familial Conversions and Kinship in Medieval Hagiography (400-1200)”

  • History Teacher, Collège André-Grasset

Schuman, Boaz (April 2021) “Modality and Validity in the Logic of John Buridan”

  • Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Copenhagen

Brent, Jonathan (March 2021) “World History in the Tumultuous 1330s: A Study of Nicolas Trevet’s Anglo-Norman Cronicles”

  • Project Manager, Practices of Commentary


Johnsson, Peter (2020) “The Dying Gaul: Examining the Inverse Relationship between Lay and Religious Masculinities in Merovingian Gaul, 450-750”

Reeser, Sarah (2020) “The Whole Hand of the Giant: Geography, Vision, and Materiality in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Atlantic World”

Price, Daniel (2020) “Re-Imagining the World: Sanctity and Materiality in the Vitae of Sixth-Century Gaul”

Foley, David M. (2020) “Peter Comestor's Lectures on the Glossa ordinaria on John (ca. 1165): An Historical Introduction with a Critical Edition”


Warnes, Julia (2019) “Dúngal: A Study of his Life and Works”

Riley, Bridget (2019) “Quotquot invenire possetInventiones and Historical Memory in Southern Italy, c. 900-1150″

Tichenor, Morris B. (2019) “Cicero’s Incomplete Orator: The Transmission and Reception of the Mutilus Text”

  • Associate Lecturer of Latin, Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts

Mattingly, Todd Matthew (2019) “Living Reliquaries: Monasticism and the Cult of the Saints in the Age of Louis the Pious”

Smarandache, Bogdan (2019) “Frankish-Muslim Diplomatic Relations and the Shared Minority Discourse in the Eastern Mediterranean, 517-692 AH/1123-1293 AD”

  • Postdoctoral Researcher, DiplomatiCon: A Connected History of Medieval Mediterranean Diplomacy (EOS Project Nr: 40007541), Université de Liège, Belgium

Ekman, Annika (2019) “Anselm of Laon, the Glossa Ordinaria, and the Tangled Web of Twelfth-Century Psalms-Exegesis”

Schut, Kirsten (2019) “A Dominican Master of Theology in Context: John of Naples and Intellectual Life Beyond Paris, ca. 1300-1350”

  • Fellow, Foundation Year Program, King's College


Brown, Jason (2018) “St. Antonin of Florence on Justice in Buying and Selling: Introduction, Critical Edition, and Translation”

Fleck, Malcolm A. (2018) “The Narrative and Descriptive Influence of Latin Hagiography on Beowulf

Klumpenhouwer, Samuel (2018) “The Suma de penitencia of John of Kent: Study and Critical Edition”

Wheeler, Nicholas (2018) “Perjury and False Witness in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages”

Faibisoff, Leah (2018) “Chancery Officials and the Business of Communal Administration in Republican Florence”

Wheaton, Benjamin (2018) “Venantius Fortunatus and Christian Theology at the End of the Sixth Century in Gaul”

  • Visiting Assistant Professor of History, Houghton University


Brielmaier, Daniel (2017) “Selves and Subjectivities in Medieval North Atlantic Verse”

Wetmore, Amanda (2017) “The Hermeneutics of Desire in Medieval English Devotional Literature”

Wakelin, Jacob (2017) “Making History in High medieval Austria (1145-1203)–The Vorau Manuscript in its Secular and Spiritual Context”

Vucu, Simona (2017) “Henry of Ghent and John Duns Scotus on Self-Agency and Self-Motion: An Inquiry into the Medieval Metaphysics of Causal Powers”

Lockhart, Jessica (2017) “Everyday Wonders and Enigmatic Structures: Riddles from Symphosius to Chaucer”

  • Head of Research, Old Books New Science Lab, U of T

Jamison, Daniel (2017) “Fiscal Policy in an Italian Commune: A Study of the Lucchese Gabella Maggiore, 1370-1410”

Landon, Christopher (2017) “Conquest and Colonization in the Early Middle Ages: The Carolingians and Saxony, c. 751–842”

Allen, Ryan (2017) “Visions of Unity: Philosophical Realism in Late Fourteenth-Century English Dream-Vision Poetry”

Zajac, Natalia (2017)“Women Between West and East: the Inter-Rite Marriages of the Kyivan Rus’ Dynasty, ca. 1000-1204”

  • Professor, Religious Studies, Niagara University

Blakelock, Emily (2017) “Doing It by the Book: Teaching Sexuality in the Twelfth-Century Classroom”

O’Hagan, Peter (2017) “Teaching the Tradition: Twelfth Century Scholastic Commentaries on Paul’s Letter to the Romans”


Johnston, Nick (2016) “Vexatio Falsorum Fratrum: The Medieval Laybrother in the Order of Sempringham in Context”

Sutherland-Harris, Robin (2016) “The Production and Use of Administrative Documents in Somerset from Glanvill to Magna Carta

  • Educational Developer (Teaching Commons), York University

Castle, Kasandra (2016) “The Development and Decline of Malediction in the Charters of Anglo-Saxon”

Smith, Caroline (2016) “Noble Canons, Clerical Nobles: the Cathedral Chapter and Society in Fourteenth-Century Girona”

Butler, Colleen (2016) “Queering the classics: Gender, Genre, and Reception in the Works of Hrotsvit of Gandersheim”

Smith, David Romney (2016) “Across an Open Sea. Mediterranean Networks and Italian Trade in an Era of Calamity”

Miller, Christopher (2016) “die sah man weinen. The Representation of Emotion and Dispute in Middle High German Heroic Epic”

Dunning, Andrew (2016) “Alexander Neckam’s Manuscripts and the Augustinian Canons of Oxford and Cirencester”

  • R. W. Hunt Curator of Medieval Manuscripts, University of Oxford

Elson, Madeleine (2016) “Chaucer’s French Sources — Literary and Codicological Play and the Author’s Persona”

Gugel, David (2016) “The Social and Cultural Worlds of Elite Valencian Youth, 1300-1500”

  • Graduate Program Administrator, University of Calgary


Bauder, Rachel (2015) “Naming Particulars: A Thirteenth-Century Debate on Whether Individuals Have Proper Names”

Fabbro, Eduardo (2015) “Society and Warfare in Lombard Italy (c.568-652)”

  • Lecturer, Trent University

Berard, Christopher (2015) “Arthurus Redivivus: Arthurian Imitation in Early Plantagenet England, 1154-1307”

  • Adjunct Professor, Humanities Program, Providence College

Wilson, Anna (2015) “Immature Pleasures: Affective Reading in Margery Kempe, Petrarch, Chaucer, and Modern Fan Communities”

  • Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies / Assistant Professor, English, Harvard University

Wesson Garau, Ann (2015) “Colonization and the Church in High Medieval Sardinia”

Kostoff-Kaard, Jenny (2015) “The Glossa Ordinaria on Ecclesiastes: A Critical Edition with Introduction”

  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Faculty of Catholic Theology, University of Vienna

Chen Obrist, Lisa (2015) “Time and How to Calculate It: A Study and Edition with Translation of Book 10 of Hrabanus Maurus’ De rerum naturis

  • Corporate Governance Advisor, National Research Council of Canada

Lindeman, Katherine (2015) “’Go Manfully’: Masculine Self-Fashioning in Late Medieval Dominican Sources”

Hutton Sharp, Alice (2015) “In Principio: The Origins of the Glossa ordinaria on Genesis 1-3”


Hayton, Magda (2014) “Inflections of Prophetic Vision: The Reshaping of Hildegard of Bingen’s Apocalypticism as Represented by bridgments of the Pentachronon”

  • Psychotherapist

Lamont, George (2014) “The Present Participle as a Marker of Style and Authorship in Old English Biblical Translation”

Kim, Eileen (2014) “The Tailors, Drapers, and Mercers of London and the Commissary and Husting Court Wills, 1374-1485”

Haynes, Justin (2014) “Recovering the Classic: Twelfth-Century Latin Epic and the Virgilian Tradition”

Piudik, Jaclyn (2014) “Hybridity in the Fourteenth-Century Esther Poems of Israel Caslari”

Watkins, Elizabeth (2014) “French Romance and English Piety: Genre and Codex in Insular Romance”


Shaw, Richard (2013) “How an Early Medieval Historian Worked: Methodology and Sources in Bede’s Narrative of the Gregorian Mission to Kent”

Teague, Sharon (2013) “Patterns of Bequest within the Family: Testamentary Evidence from the Ecclesiastical Registers of Canterbury and York c. 1340-1440”

Buchanan, Peter (2013) “Phenomenal Anglo-Saxons: Perceptions, Adaptation, and the Poetic Imagination”

  • Associate Professor, New Mexico Highlands University

Barbezat, Michael (2013) “Doubt, Faith, and the World to Come in Peter of Cornwall’s Book of Revelations

  • Research Fellow, Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Australian Catholic University

Sharp, Tristan (2013) “William of Pagula’s Speculum religiosorum and its Background: Law, Pastoral Care and Religious Formation for Monks, c.1215-c.1350

Elliot, Michael (2013) “Canon Law Collections in England ca 600-1066: The Manuscript Evidence”

Marshall, Helen (2013) “Literary Codicologies: The Conditions of Middle English Literary Production, c. 1280-1415”


Oeltjen, Natalie (2012) Crisis and Regeneration: The Conversos of Majorca, 1391-1416

Snow, Clare (2012) Maria Mediatrix: Mediating the Divine in the Devotional Literature of Late Medieval and Early Modern England”

Langeslag, Paul (2012) “Seasonal Setting and the Human Domain in Early English and Early Scandinavian Literature”

Hamonic, Nicole (2012) “The Order of St. John of Jerusalem in London and Middlesex c.1128-c.1442: A Social and Economic Study based on the Hospitaller Cartulary, British Library Cotton MS Nero E vi”

Bolintineanu, Alexandra (2012) “Towards A Poetics of Marvellous Spaces in Old and Middle English Narrative”

  • Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Centre for Medieval Studies / Woodsworth College, U of T

Lalonde, Shaun (2012) “Poetry by Theorists: the Troubadours and the Early Italian Lyric”

Elema, Ariella (2012) “Trial by Battle in France and England

Tyrrell, Alice (2012) “Merovingian Letters and Letter Writers”

Knudsen, Christian (2012) “Naughty Nuns and Promiscuous Monks: Monastic Sexual Misconduct in Late medieval England”

  • Professor of Cultural History, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sheridan College

Pelle, Stephen (2012) “Continuity and Renewal in English Homiletic Eschatology, ca. 1150-1200”

  • Associate Professor, Centre for Medieval Studies, U of T

Mills, Kristen (2012) “Grief, Gender and Mourning in Medieval North Atlantic Literature”


Bishop, Adam “Criminal Law and the Development of the Assizes of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem in the Twelfth Century”

Brower, Susannah “Gender, Power, and Persona in the Poetry of Baudri of Bourgueil”

  • Latin Teacher, The Albany Academies

Geck, John “The Auchinleck Manuscript and the Aesthetics of Ambiguity: A Comparative Manuscript Study”

  • Associate Professor of English, Memorial University

Goddard, Victoria “Poetry and Philosophy in Boethius and Dante”

  • Novelist

Gos, Giselle “Constructing the Female Subject in Anglo-Norman, Middle English and Medieval Irish Romance”

Greenwood, Ryan “Law and War in Late Medieval Italy: the Jus Commune on War and its Application in Florence, c. 1150-1450”

Hartman, Peter “Durand of St.-Pourçain on Cognitive Acts: Their Cause, Ontological Status, and Intentional Character”

  • Associate Professor, Loyola University Chicago

Hicks, Andrew “Music, Myth, and Metaphysics: Harmony in Twelfth-Century Cosmology and Natural Philosophy”

  • Associate Professor of Music, Classics, and Medieval Studies, and Director of Medieval Studies Program, Cornell University

Mitchell, Laura “Cultural Uses of magic in Fifteenth-Century England”


Butler, Emily “Textual Community and Linguistic Distance in Early England”

Robinson, Jonathan “William of Ockham’s Early theory of Property Rights: Sources, Texts, and Contexts”

Heuchan, Valerie “All Things to All Men: Representations of the Apostle Paul in Anglo-Saxon Literature”

Major, Tristan “Literary Developments of the Table of Nations and the Tower of Babel in Anglo-Saxon England”

Budde, Timothy “The Versio Dionysii of John Scottus Eriugena. A Study of the Manuscript Tradition and Influence of Eriugena’s Translation of the Corpus Areopagiticum from the 9th through the 12th century”

  • Professor, Vanier College

Sheldon, Gwendolyn “The Conversion of the Vikings in Ireland and the Early History of the Diocese of Dublin”


Salzer, Kathryn “A Socio-Economic Study of the Cistercian Abbey of Vaucelles and its Granges of Baudival and Ribaucourt”

Langenwalter, Anna “Agobard of Lyon: An Exploration of Carolingian Jewish-Christian Relations”

Viezure, Iuliana Dana Verbum Crucis, Virtus Dei: A Study of Theopaschism from the Council of Chalcedon (451) to the Age of Justinian”

Ghosh, Shami “The Barbarian Past in Early Medieval Historical Narrative”

  • Associate Professor, Centre for Medieval Studies, U of T

Fallon, Nicole “The Cross as Tree: The Wood-of-the-Cross Legends in Middle English and Latin Texts in Medieval England”

Allen, Kristen Sicut scintilla ignis in medio maris: Theological Despair in the Works of Isidore of Seville, Hrotsvit of Gandersheim, and Dante Alighieri”

  • Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, UTM

Reeves, Andrew “Teaching the Creed and Articles of Faith in England: Lateran IV to Ignorantia sacerdotum

  • Associate Professor, History, Middle Georgia State University

Cooley, Alice “Get A Room: Private Space and Private People in Old French and Middle English Love Stories”

Johnson, Maire “Holy Body, wholly other: sanctity and society in the Lives of Irish saints”

McCabe, T. Matthew “Ethics, Rhetorical Accommodation, and Vernacularity in Gower’s Confessio Amantis


Reiner, Emily “The Ambiguous Greek in Old French and Middle English Literature”

Adams, Anthony “Heroic Slaughter and Versified Violence: A Reading of Sacrifice in Some Early English and Carolingian Poetry of War”

Herold, Jonathan “Memoranda and Memoria: Assessing the Preservation of Acta at Eleventh-Century Worcester Cathedral”

Slavin, Philip “Feeding the Brethren: Grain Provisioning of Norwich Cathedral Priory, c. 1280–1370”

Getz, Robert “Four Blickling Homilies”

  • Assistant Professor, Centre for Medieval Studies, U of T

Kessler, Rachel “Reading Gnomic Phenomena in Old English Literature”

Harney, Eileen “The Sexualized and Gendered Tortures of Virgin Martyrs in Medieval English Literature”

  • Assistant Professor of English / Foreign Languages, University of Alaska Fairbanks

McBrine, Patrick “The English Inheritance of Biblical Verse”

  • Associate Professor, English, Bishop's University

Newman, Jonathan “Satire of Counsel, Counsel of Satire: Representing Advisory Relations in Later Medieval Literature”

  • Clif and Gail Smart Professor of English, Missouri State University

Sheehan, Sarah “Gender and Sexuality in Early Irish Saga”


Carraway, Joanna “Inquisition Procedure, Due Process, and Defendants’ Rights: Reggio Emilia, 1371-1409”

  • Professor of History, Rockhurst University

Grove, Jonathan “The Contest of Verse-Making in Old Norse-Icelandic Skaldic Poetry”

Reid, Jennifer “‘Caro verbum factum est’: Incarnations of Word in Early English and Celtic Texts”

  • Assistant Professor, Department of English, University College of the North

Schulze, Catherine “Pro Turpitudine Vitae: The Expulsion of Nuns in the Dioceses of Paris and Laon, 1100-1150”

Zak, Gur “Writing from Exile: Petrarch’s Humanism and the Ethics of Care of the Self”

  • Associate Professor of Comparative Literature and Romance Studies / Head of the Institute of Literatures, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Kooistra, James Milton “From Humanism to the Reformation: Letters of Recommendation in Early Modern Germany (1490-1560)”

Black, Winston “The Medieval Archdeacon in Canon Law, with a case study of the Diocese of Lincoln”

  • Gatto Chair in Christian Studies, St Francis Xavier University

Monette, Connell “A Comparative Study of the Hero in Medieval Ireland, Persia, and England”


Fleming, Damian “The Most Exalted Language: Anglo-Saxon Perceptions of Hebrew”

  • Associate Professor, English, Purdue University

Krug, Ilana “Royal Prerogative Gone Astray: The Social and Economic Impact of Purveyance on the English Peasantry at the Beginning of the Hundred Years’ War”

  • Associate Professor of History, York College of Pennsylvania 

Acken, James “History and Terminology in the Auraicept na nEces”

  • Creative Director, Acken Studios

Powrie, Sarah “The Infinite Sphere: The History of a Metaphor in Theology, Science and Literature (1100-1613)”

  • Professor of English, St Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan

Campbell, Kirsty “Reginald Pecock’s Vision of Religious Education for ‘All Cristen Peple’ in Fifteenth-Century England”

  • Teacher, English, John Abbott College. 


Fynn, Paul Jeffrey “The Catalan City of Manressa in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries: A Political, Social and Economic History”

Miles, Brent “Middle Irish Saga and Irish Neoclassicism”

  • Associate Professor, Centre for Medieval Studies / University of St. Michael's College, U of T

Marshall, Christina “Late Medieval Liturgical Offices in Acrostic Form: A Catalogue and Study”

Graff, Eric “The Transmission and Reception of the Cloud of Unknowing and the Works of the Cloud-corpus”

Doyle, Matthew “The Career and Students of Peter Lombard”

Sherwood, Jessie “Jewish Conversion from the Sixth through the Twelfth Century”

  • Associate Librarian, Robbins Collection and Research Center, Berkeley Law

Cels, Marc “Anger in Dominican and Franciscan Pastoral and Homiletic Literature Before 1350”

  • Associate Professor, History, Athabasca University

Rutten, Stuart “Battles at the Ford: an Introduction to the Tradition of Comrac Fir Diad, with editions of the later versions of the tale”


Dzon, Mary “The Image of the Wanton Christ-Child in the Apocryphal Infancy Legends of Late Medieval England”

  • Associate Professor, English, University of Tennessee Knoxville

Wiljer, David “Reading for a Conscience: Moral Instruction in Saint Ambrose of Milan’s Commentary on Psalm CXVIII”

Yeager, Suzanne “England’s Quest for Jerusalem: Fourteenth-Century Literature of Crusade and Pilgrimage”

  • Professor of English and Medieval Studies, Fordham University

Ponesse, Matthew “Learning in the Carolingian Court: Compilation and Innovation in the Writings of Smaragdus of St. Mihiel”

  • Associate Professor of History, Ohio Dominican University

Conti, Aidan “Preaching Scripture and Apocrypha: A Previously Unidentified Homiliary in an Old English Manuscript, Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 343”

Downey, Sarah “Intertextuality in the Lives of St. Guthlac”

  • Associate Professor, English, Pennsylvania Western University

Masemann, Charlotte “Garden Produce in Medieval Ghent and Lübeck”

  • Policy Analyst, Environment and Climate Change Canada

Saurette, Marc “Rhetorics of Reform: Abbot Peter the Venerable and the Twelfth-Century Rewriting of the Cluniac Monastic Project”

  • Associate Professor of History, Carleton University

Parsons, Sylvia “The Representation of the Body in Twelfth-Century Latin Epic: The Alexandreis of Walter of Châtillon and the Ylias of Joseph of Exeter”


Anderson, Katherine “Youth, Gender and Identity in Welsh Princely Families, 1075-1240”

Cowan, Mairi “Lay Piety in Scotland before the Protestant Reformation: Individuals, Communities, and Nation”

  • Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, Department of Historical Studies, UTM

McLuhan, Elizabeth “With power from the king and blessing from the Church: the Representation of a Christian Missionary in the vita Amandi prima”

Sundaram, Mark “The Conceptualisation of Futurity in Old English”


Cichon, Michael “Shame on Thy Beard! A Study of Insult, Redress and the Process of Law in Two ‘Owein’ Romances”

  • Associate Professor, St. Thomas More College

Follett, Westley “Monastic Devotion in Ireland: The Céli Dé movement in the eight and ninth centuries”

Jagger, Holly “Body, Text and Self in Old English Verse: A Study of “Beowulfian” and “Cynewulfian” Rhetoric”

Gourlay, Kristina “‘Faire Maide’ or ‘Venomous Serpente’: The Cultural Significance of the Saracen Princess Floripas in France and England, 1200-1500”

Sutherland, Jenifer “The Inexpressible Self: Biblical Autobiography in the Poetry of Walter of Wimborne and The Book of Margery Kempe”

Thiery, Daniel “Polluting the Sacred: Violence and Religion in English Daily Life c. 1400-1553”

Killings, Steve “ ‘Vos qui concupiscitis’ or Ludus Filiorum Israel: A Critical Edition of a 14th Century Processus Prophetarum from Cambridge”


Ruff, Carin “The Hidden Curriculum: Syntax in Anglo-Saxon Latin Teaching”

Joyce, Ellen “Visions, Reading and Identity in the Monastic Culture of the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries: Otloh of St. Emmeram and Guibert of Nogent”

  • Associate Professor, History, Beloit College

Roy, Neil “The Ritual of Valva-Sulmona (Lucca, Biblioteca Statale 1781): A Twelfth-Century Collection of Ordines in Beneventan Script. A Diplomatic Edition with Introductory Study and Notes”

Davidson, Mary Catherine “Language-Mixing and Code-Switching in England in the Late Medieval Period”

  • Associate Professor of English, York University

Eardley Peter “Giles of Rome’s Theory of the Will”

  • Professor of Philosophy, University of Guelph

Corona, Gabriella “Ælfric’s Life of Saint Basil and its Latin Background”

Kurt, Andrew “Minting, State and Economy in the Visigothic Kingdom ca.418-ca.713”

  • Associate Professor of History, Clayton State University

Falk, Oren “The Cultural Construction of Violence in medieval Western Scandinavia”

  • Professor of History, Cornell University

Harris, Jennifer “The Place of the Jerusalem Temple in the Reform of the Church in the Eleventh Century”

  • Associate Professor, Religious Studies, University of Toronto

Mackie, Evelyn “Robert Grosseteste’s Chasteu d’amur: A Text in Context”


David, Barry Alan. “St Augustine on Divine Foreknowledge”

  • Associate Professor of Philosophy, Ave Maria University

Eaton, Ellen Wehner. “Shame Culture or Guilt Culture: The Evidence of the Medieval French Fabliaux”

Hay, David John. “The Campaigns of Countess Matilda of Canossa (1046-1115): An Analysis of the History and Social Significance of a Woman’s Military Leadership”

  • Associate Professor, History and Religion, University of Lethbridge

Hunt, Laura Elaine. “Tudor Politics, Tuscan Ambition: A Florentine Diplomat and Intelligencer in Sixteenth-Century Europe”

Smith, Liesl Ruth. “Virginity and the Married-Virgin Saints in Ælfric’s Lives of Saints: The Translation of an Ideal”

  • Assistant Director of Seminary Grants, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary


Bychkov, Oleg V. “A Propos of Medieval Aesthetics: A Historical Study of Terminology, Sources, and Textual Traditions of Commenting on Beauty in the Thirteenth Century”

  • Associate Professor, Theology, / Directo,r Native American and Indigenous Studies program, St Bonaventure University

Catlos, Brian Aivars “The Victors and the Vanquished: Christians and Muslims of the Ebro Valley (Eleventh to Thirteenth Centuries)”

  • Professor of Religious Studies, University of Colorado at Boulder

Dinkova-Bruun, Greti. “Alexander of Ashby’s Breuissima comprehensio historiarum: A Critical Edition with Annotation”

  • Fellow / Library Director, PIMS

Leverage, Paula E. “The Chanson de Geste and Memory”

  • Associate Professor of French, Purdue University

LeVert, Laurelle Marie. “The Rhetoric of Response: Affectivity and Didacticism in Middle English Devotional Experiences of the Passion”

Moll, Richard J. “Facts and Fictions: Chronicle, Romance, and Arthurian Narrative in England, 1300–1470”

  • Professor of English, University of Western Ontario

Shawver, Gary W. “A Chaucerian Narratology: ‘Story’ and ‘Tale’ in Chaucer’s Narrative Practice”

Still, Carl N. “Aquinas’s Theory of Human Self-Knowledge”

  • Associate Professor of Philosophy and President, St. Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan


Fizzard, Allison Dawn. “The Augustinian Canons of Plympton Priory and their Place in English Church and Society, 1121–c. 1400”

  • Associate Professor of History, Campion 

Graham, Barry Frederic Hunter. “Utraquist Eucharistic Liturgy in the Jagiellonian Era”

Haines, Dorothy Ina. “Rhetorical Strategies in Old English Prose: A Study of Three Dramatic Monologues”

Klein, Thomas Peter. “The ‘Coarser’ Senses in Old English: A Study of the Old English Verbs of Tasting, Smelling, Touching, and Perceiving”

  • Professor of English, Idaho State University

Low Soon Ai. “The Anglo-Saxon Mind: Metaphor and Common Sense Psychology in Old English Literature”

McGlynn, Margaret. “The King and the Law: Prerogativa regis in Early Tudor England”

  • Professor / Vice Provost, Academic Planning, Policy & Faculty, Western University

Mallette, Karla. “Medieval Sicilian Lyric Poetry: Poets at the Courts of Roger II and Frederick II”

  • Professor of Italian, University of Michigan Ann Arbor

Wakelin, Grace Lucile. “Standards of Living in the Commune of Namur, 1263–1429”


Carpenter, Jennifer Helen. “A New Heaven and a New Earth: A Study of the Vitae of the mulieres religiosae of Liège”

Conybeare, Catherine. “The Expression of Christianity: Themes from the Letters of Paulinus of Nola”

  • Leslie Clark Professor in the Humanities, Bryn Mawr College

DeSantis, Carla. “The Grammatical Compendium Commonly Attributed to Folchino dei Borfoni (14th c.): A Critical Edition and Study”

Esposito, Lisa Marie. “Pseudo-Dionysius: A Philosophical Study of Certain Hellenic Sources”

Kulikowski, Michael. “The End of Roman Spain”

  • Professor of History and Classics, Penn State University

Pierre, Teresa Olsen. “ ‘That we may glorify Him in our bodies’: William of St Thierry’s Views of the Human Body”


Armstrong, Lawrin David. “The Tractatus de materia montis of Lorenzo Ridolfi: Edited from Florence, Biblioteca nazionale centrale, fondo principale II, III, 366”

  • Professor Emeritus, Centre for Medieval Studies, U of T

Burnam, Hope Lampert. “The Alphabetum catholicorum of Arnaldus of Villanova: An Edition and Study”

Driver, Lisa D. Maugans. “Christian Society and Moral Values in the Homilies of Asterius of Amaseia”Jankulak, Karen Anne. “The Cult of St Petroc in Cornwall and Brittany c. 550 to c. 1250”

  • Associate Professor of Theology, Valparaiso University

Jordan, Elizabeth Alexandra. “Historical Writing in Visigothic Spain from c. 468 to the Arab Invasion of 711”

Lundell, William Paul. “Carthusian Policy and the Council of Basel”

  • Associate Professor of History, Mount Allison University

Osmann, Michael Peter. “Personal Wealth in Hurstingstone Hundred, Huntingdonshire, 1479–1558: A Study of Continuity in the Early Tudor Countryside”

  • Translator, AAD Abies

Sella, Barbara Anna. “Piety and Poor Relief: Confraternities in Medieval Cremona c. 1334–1499”

Traver, Andrew Garrett. “The Identification of the vita apostolica with a Life of Itinerant Preaching and Mendicancy: Its Origins, Adherents, and Critics ca 1050–1266”

  • Associate Professor of History, Southeastern Louisiana University

Valls, Helen Elizabeth. “Studies on Roger Frugardi’s Chirurgia”


Beattie, Pamela May. “Evangelization, Reform, and Eschatology: Mission and Crusade in the Thought of Ramon Llull”

Chapman, Don William. “Stylistic Use of Nominal Compounds in Wulfstan’s Sermons”

Cohen, Marc Stuart. “The Ethnographic Dimensions of Conversion: A Study of Conversion Narratives in Northern Europe in the Middle Ages”

Firey, Abigail A. “Toward a History of Carolingian Legal Culture: Canon Law Collections of Early Medieval Southern Gaul”

  • Professor of History, University of Kentucky

Ginther, James R. “The Super Psalterium of Robert Grosseteste (ca 1170–1253): A Scholastic Psalms Commentary as a Source for Medieval Ecclesiology”

  • Associate Director / Professor, Centre for Medieval Studies / University of St. Michael's College, U of T

Jones, Christopher Andrew. “Ælfric’s Letter to the Monks of Eynsham: A Study of the Text and its Sources”

  • Professor of English, Ohio State University

Kitchen, John. “The Image of Sanctity and the Depiction of Holy Women in the Prose Biographies of Venantius Fortunatus, the Liber vitae patrum of Gregory of Tours, and the Vita Sanctae Radegundis of Baudonivia: A Comparative Study”

  • Associate Professor of History, University of Alberta

Kuzdale, Ann Elizabeth. “The Dialogues of Pope Gregory the Great in the Literary and Religious Culture of Seventh- and Eighth-Century Europe”

  • Associate Professor of History, Chicago State University

O’Callaghan, Tamara Faith. “Love Imagery in Benoît de Sainte-Maure’s Roman de Troie, John Gower’s Confessio amantis, and Geoffrey Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde”

  • Associate Professor of English, Northern Kentucky University

Pick, Lucy Kristina. “Christians and Jews in Thirteenth-Century Castile: The Career and Writings of Rodrigo Jiménez de Rada, Archbishop of Toledo (1209–1247)”

Ritch, K. Janet. “A Critical Edition of Eloy Du Mont’s La resurrection de Jesuschrist”

Rivers, Kimberly Ann. “Memory and the Mendicant Orders in the Later Middle Ages”

Schutz, Andrea K. “Theriomorphic Shape-Shifting: An Experimental Reading of Identity and Metamorphosis in Selected Medieval British Texts”

  • Professor for Excellence in Teaching, St. Thomas University

Seeley, Andrew T. “St Thomas Aquinas on the Necessity Of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit for Salvation”

  • Director of Advanced Formation for Educators, The Augustine Institute

Taylor, Daniel S. “Bernold of Constance, Canonist and Liturgist of the Gregorian Reform: An Analysis of the Sources in the Micrologus de ecclesiasticis observationibus”

Wagner, Karen Teresa. “De vera et falsa penitentia: An Edition and Study”


Allen, Michael Idomir. “History in the Carolingian Renewal: Frechulf of Lisieux (fl. 830), his Work and Influence”

  • Associate Professor of Classics, University of Chicago

Ayoub, Lois Jean. “John Crophill’s Books: An Edition of British Library MS. Harley 1735”

Driver, Steven David. “The Reading of Egyptian Monastic Culture in John Cassian”

Dumol, Paul Arvisu. “The Metaphysics of Reading Underlying Dante’s Commedia: The ingegno”

Findon, Joanne Alice. “Emer and the Roles of Female Characters in the Medieval Irish Ulster Cycle”

  • Professor of English Literature, Trent University

Forman, Mary, OSB. “Scriptural Exegesis in the Rule of Benedict”

Gillett, Andrew Keith. “Envoys and Diplomacy in The Early Medieval West, 411–533”

  • Associate Professor of Ancient History, Macquarie University

Harbus, Antonina Jane. “Dreams in Old English Literature”

  • Professor of English, Macquarie University

Hilken, Charles. “Monastic Remembrances of the Dead: In the Shadows of Monte Cassino and Santa Sofia di Benevento. An Edition and Study of the Necrology of Santa Maria del Gualdo Mazzocca”

  • Professor of History, St. Mary’s College of California

Olsen, Karin Edith. “Metaphorical Language in the Early Poetry of Northwest Europe”

  • Senior Lecturer in English, University of Groningen

Schlow, Deborah Ellen. “The Use of Bishops’ Registers in the Study of Ecclesiastical Administrative Practices in Fourteenth-Century Spain: A Comparison of the Dioceses of Barcelona and Girona”

Stanton, Robert George. “Translation and Anglo-Saxon Hagiography: Abbo of Fleury’s Passion of St Edmund and Ælfric’s Old English Translation”

  • Associate Professor of English, Boston College


Fanger, Claire. “Signs of Power and the Power of Signs: Medieval Modes of Address to the Problem of Magical and Miraculous Signifiers”

  • Associate Professor of Religion, Rice University

Gwara, Scott James. “Literary Culture in Late Anglo-Saxon England and the Old English and Latin Glosses to Aldhelm’s Prosa de virginitate”

  • Professor of English, University of South Carolina

McKee, Sally. “Uncommon Dominion: The Latins and Greeks of Fourteenth-Century Venetian Crete”

Megginson, David. “The Written Language of Old English Poetry”

Sandor, Monica. “The Popular Preaching of Jacques de Vitry”

  • Translator / Editor, FSMA

Sinex, Margaret Ann. “Irony of Walter Map’s De nugis curialium”

Twetten, David Brian. “Aquinas and the Prime Mover of Aristotle: A Study of the Medieval Demonstration of God’s Existence from Motion”

  • Associate Professor of Philosophy, Marquette University

Wehlau, Ruth Cecile. “The Riddle of Creation: Some Metaphor Structures in Old English Poetry”


Abrams, Lesley J. “The Pre-Conquest Endowment of Glastonbury Abbey: The Growth of an Anglo-Saxon Church”

  • Professor of Early Medieval History (retired), University of Oxford

Adamson, John Douglas. “Placentini Summa institutionum: Edition with Introduction”

Bardoel, Agatha Anna Caecilia. “Vision or Union? Mystical Expression in the Visions of Hadewijch of Brabant (c. 1250)”

Beattie, Blake Raymond. “Aspects and Problems of Avignonese Legations to Italy: The Mission of Cardinal Giovanni Gaetano Orsini, 1326–1334”

  • Associate Professor of History, University of Louisville

Kolbaba, Tia M. “Heresy and Culture: Lists of the Errors of the Latins in Byzantium”

  • Associate Professor of Byzantine Studies, Rutgers University

Lafferty, Maura Keyne. “Reading Latin Epic: Walter of Châtillon’s Alexandreis”

  • Associate Professor of Classics, University of Tennessee Knoxville

Momma, Haruko. “Composition and Comprehension: The Grammar of Old English Poetry”

  • Professor of English, New York University

Ross, Jill. “Corporeality and Textuality in Selected Medieval Hispanic Texts, ca 400–1350”

  • Associate Professor, Centre for Medieval Studies, Centre for Comparative Literature, Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Jewish Studies, U of T

Rousseau, Constance M. “Marriage, Sexuality, and Family in the Letters of Pope Innocent III (1198–1216)”

  • Professor of History, Providence College

Worthen, Jeremy Frederick. “The Self in the Text: Guigo I the Carthusian, William of St Thierry, and Hugh of St Victor”1991

Amstutz, Renate. “The Latin Substratum of the Thuringian Ludus de decem virginibus: Its Liturgical Roots and its Dramatic Relevance for the Mixed-Language Music Drama”

Burman, Thomas E. “Spain’s Arab Christians and Islam, c. 1050–1200: The Text of the Liber denudationis (alias Contrarietas alfolica) and its Intellectual Milieu”

  • Professor of History, University of Tennessee at Knoxville

Chandler, Paul, O. Carm. “The Liber de institucione et peculiaribus gestis religiosorum Carmelitarum in lege veteri exortorum et in nova perseverancium ad Caprasium monachum by Felip Ribot, O. Carm.: A Critical Edition with an Introduction”

Cropp, Laurel Susan. “A Critical Edition of Alexander Neckam’s Corrogationes noui Promethei with Introduction, Textual Notes, and Commentary”

Drendel, John Victor. “Society and Economy in a Medieval Provençal Town: Trets, 1296–1347”

  • Professor of History, UQAM

Hassell, James Woodrow, III. “Thomas Sampson’s Dictaminal Treatises and the Teaching of French in Medieval England: An Edition and Study”

Kerr, Margaret Helen. “Catholic Church and Common Law: Three Studies in the Influence of the Church on English Law”

Pearson, Paul Alan. “Instrumental Creation and Justification in St Thomas’s Scriptum super libros Sententiarum”

Pedersen, Frederik J. G. “Marriage Litigation and the Ecclesiastical Courts in York in the Fourteenth Century”

  • Senior Lecturer in Medieval History, University of Aberdeen

Pobst, Phyllis E. “The Register of William Bateman, Bishop of Norwich, A.D. 1344–1355”

  • Associate Professor of History, Arkansas State University

Singman, Jeffrey Louis. “From Heorot to Elsinore: Denmark and the Danes in Medieval and Renaissance English Literature”

Treschow, Michael. “A Study of the ece Word-Group, and its Use in the Alfredian Translations”


Africa, Dorothy C. “The Politics of Kin: Women and Preeminence in a Medieval Irish Hagiographical List”

Arges, Michael. “Divine Self-Expression Through Human Merit According to Thomas Aquinas”

Baker, Deirdre F. “Pictor in carmine, uel Adaptatio rerum gestarum in Veteri Testamento ad Nouum: A Critical Edition”

Binkley, Peter. “Thirteenth-Century Latin Poetry Contests Associated with Henry of Avranches, with an Appendix of Newly Edited Texts”

Echard, Siân. “Expectation and Experimentation in Medieval Arthurian Narrative: A Study of Anglo-Latin, Middle English, and Middle Welsh Texts”

  • Professor of English, UBC

Girsch, James Martin. “An Edition with Commentary of John Mirk’s Manuale sacerdotis”

Guderian, Gregory Joseph. “The Palaeography of Later Roman Cursive”

Head, Pauline Elizabeth. “Representation and Design: Tracing a Hermeneutics of Old English Poetry”

Johnson, Mark F. “The Sapiential Character of sacra doctrina in the Thought of St Thomas Aquinas: The Appropriation of Aristotle’s Intellectual Virtue of Wisdom”

Masschaele, James. “A Regional Economy in Medieval England”

  • Professor of Medieval History, Rutgers University

Openshaw, Kathleen M. J.† “Images, Texts, and Contexts: The Iconography of the Tiberius Psalter, London, British Library, Cotton MS. Tiberius C.VI”

Wilkin, Gregory Joseph. “Regular Knighthood and Old French Grail Romance”


Boyle, John F. “The Structural Setting of Thomas Aquinas’s Theology of the Grace of Christ as He is Head of the Church in the Summa theologiae”

  • Professor of Catholic Studies and Theology, University of St. Thomas

Elliott, Dyan H. “Spiritual Marriage: A Study of Chaste Wedlock in the Middle Ages”

  • Professor of History, Northwestern University

Kleinberg, Aviad Moshe. “Prophets in Their Own Country: The Acquisition of a Saintly Reputation in the Later Middle Ages”

  • Professor of History, Tel Aviv University

Stentz, Marcia J. “A Calendar and Study of a Consistory Court Record from the Diocese of Ely, 1374–1382”

Taylor, John Andrew. “Narrative Minstrelsy in Late Medieval England”


Brock, Stephen Louis. “The Legal Character of Natural Law According to St Thomas Aquinas”

  • Professor of Philosophy, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross

Eska, Joseph F. “Towards an Interpretation of the Hispano-Celtic Inscription of Botorrita”

Kirkwood, Anna D. “The Tractatus moralis super quatuor elementa of Walter of Wimborne: An Edition of Selected Portions”

Mulchahey, Marian Michèle. “Dominican Education and the Dominican Ministry in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries: Fra Jacopo Passavanti and the Florentine Convent of Santa Maria Novella”

  • Professor and Leonard Boyle Chair in Manuscript Studies, PIMS

Olson, Sherri Lynne. “Ellington, a Village at Farm 1280–1600: Local Traditions and Local Leadership in the Medieval and Early Modern Village Community”

  • Professor of History, University of Connecticut

Stevens Girsch, Elizabeth Baldwin. “A Semantic Analysis of Old English crft and Related Words”

Sweetman, Robert S. “Dominican Preaching in the Southern Low Countries 1240-1260: Materiae praedicabiles in the Liber de natura rerum and Bonum universale de apibus of Thomas of Cantimpré”

  • Professor / H. Evan Runner Chair in the History of Philosophy, Institute for Christian Studies


Black, Deborah Louise. “The Logical Dimension of Rhetoric and Poetics: Aspects of Non-Demonstrative Reasoning in Medieval Arabic Philosophy”

  • Professor, Centre for Medieval Studies / Department of Philosophy / Department for the Study of Religion, U of T

Black, Jonathan Glenn. “The Daily Cursus, the Week, and the Psalter in the Divine Office and in Carolingian Devotion”

De Looze, Laurence Neil. “The mise en scène of the Poetic Process in Fourteenth-Century Pseudo-Biographical and ¬-Auto¬biographical Narratives”

  • Professor of Comparative Literature, Western University

DeVries, Kelly Robert. “Perceptions of Victory and Defeat in the Southern Low Countries During the Fourteenth Century: A Historiographical Comparison”

  • Professor, Loyola University Maryland / Distinguished Professor, United States Air Force Academy

Dobbs-Weinstein, Idit. “The Concept of Providence in the Thought of Moses Maimonides and St Thomas Aquinas”

  • Associate Professor of Jewish Studies / Philosophy, Vanderbilt University

Dohar, William J. “Pastoral Care after the Black Death: The Diocese of Hereford, 1327–1404”

  • Senior Lecturer, Religious Studies, Santa Clara University

Malsbary, Gerald. “The Epic Hagiography of Paulinus of Périgueux”

Meyerson, Mark Douglas. “Between convivencia and Crusade: The Muslim Minority of the Kingdom of Valencia during the Reign of Fernando ‘el Católico’”

  • Professor, Centre for Medieval Studies / Department of History

Murray, Jacqueline. “The Perceptions of Sexuality, Marriage, and Family in Early English Pastoral Manuals”

  • Professor Emerita, University of Guelph / Visiting Fellow, University of St. Michael's College, U of T

Noone, Timothy Brian. “An Edition and Study of the Scriptum super Metaphysicam, bk. 12, dist. 2: A Work Attributed to Richard Rufus of Cornwall”

  • Father Kurt Pritzl Chair in Philosophy, Catholic University of America

Tiner, Elza Cheryl. “Inventio, dispositio, and elocutioin the York Trial Plays”


Bethune, Brian. “The Text of the Christian Rite of Marriage in Medieval Spain”

Magee, John Cornell. “Truth, Discourse, and Mind in Boethius”

Solterer, Helen. “‘Acorder li chans au dit’: The Lyric Voice in French Medieval Narrative (1220–1320)”

  • Professor of Romance Studies, Duke University

Thompson, Pauline Ann. “Pestilence and Skin Disease: Two Studies in the Vocabulary of Illness in Old English Saints’ Lives and their Sources”


Cole, Penny Jane. “The Preaching of the Crusades to the Holy Land, 1095–1270”

Grier, James Norman. “Transmission in the Aquitanian Versaria of the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries”

  • Professor of Music History, Western University

Izydorczyk, Zbigniew. “The Legend of the Harrowing of Hell in Middle English Literature”

  • Professor of English, University of Winnipeg

Porter, Nancy Anne. “Through a Gloss Darkly: An Edition of Aldhelm’s Riddles in the Glossed Manuscript British Library Royal 12.c.xxiii”

Stoclet, Alain J. “Fulrad de Saint-Denis (v. 710–784)”

Townsend, David Robert. “An Edition of Saints’ Lives Attributed to Henry of Avranches”

Wallis, Faith Elena. “MS. Oxford, St John’s College, 17: A Mediaeval Manuscript in its Context”

  • Professor, History and Classical Studies, McGill

Zawilla, Ronald John. “The Historiae corporis Christi Attributed to Thomas Aquinas: A Theological Study of their Biblical Sources”


Donatelli, Joseph M. “An Edition of Death and Liffe”

Shopkow, Leah. “Norman Historical Writing in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries”

  • Associate Professor of History, Indiana University Bloomington

Snyder, Steven C. “Albert the Great’s Analysis of Time in its Historical and Doctrinal Setting”

  • Associate Professor of Philosophy, Christendom College

Utterback, Kristine Tude. “Episcopal Administration in the Diocese of Barcelona, 1345–1351”

  • Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Wyoming

Waite, Gregory George. “The Vocabulary of the Old English Version of Bede’s Historia ecclesiastica”

Wright, Phyllis Madeleine Clare. “Literary Translation in Anglo-Saxon England”


[Buchwald] Price, Betsey Barker. “The Astronomy of Albertus Magnus”

  • Professor, History and Multidisciplinary Studies, Glendon College, York University

Carlin, Martha. “The Urban Development of Southwark, c. 1200 to 1550”

  • Professor of History, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Carlson, David Richard. “Structural Similarities Between the Literatures of Mysticism and fin’ amors”

Cizewski, Wanda. “The Doctrine of Creation in the First Half of the Twelfth Century: Selected Authors (Rupert of Deutz, Honorius Augustodunensis, Peter Abelard, and Hugh of St Victor)”

Droste, Diane Lynne. “The Musical Notation and Transmission of the Music of the Sarum Use, 1225–1500”

Gyug, Richard. “An Edition of Leningrad, Ban, F. no. 200: The Lectionary and Pontifical of Kotor”

  • Professor of History and Medieval Studies, Fordham University

Hackett, Jeremiah M. G. “The Meaning of Experimental Science (scientia experimentalis) in the Philosophy of Roger Bacon”

  • Professor of Philosophy, University of South Carolina

Laird, Walter Roy. “The scientiae mediae in Medieval Commentaries on Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics”

  • Professor of History, Carleton University

Shore, Lys Ann T. “Three Treatises on Comets in Middle French: A Study of the Development of a Vernacular Scientific Tradition”

Young, Abigail Ann. “The Commentaria in Iohannis Euangelium of Rupert of Deutz: A Methodological Analysis in the Field of Twelfth-Century Exegesis”

Zier, Mark Allen. “The Expositio super Danielem of Andrew of St Victor: A Critical Edition together with a Survey of the Medieval Latin Interpretation of Daniel”


Boyle, William John. “Weakness of Will and Self-Control According to St Thomas Aquinas”

Dickey, Bruce George. “Adelard of Bath: An Examination Based on Heretofore Unexamined Manuscripts”

Dumont, Stephen D. “Henry of Ghent as a Source for John Duns Scotus’s Proof for the Existence of God”

  • Professor of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame

Kowaleski, Maryanne. “Local Markets and Merchants in Late Fourteenth-Century Exeter”

  • Joseph Fitzpatrick, SJ Distinguished Professor of History and Medieval Studies, Fordham University

Quick, Anne Wenley. “The Sources of the Quotations in Piers Plowman”

St John, Helen Louise. “A Critical Edition of the Vita Henrici Quinti of Tito Livio Frulovisi”

Schulze, Hertha. “A Study of the moralités in the La Vallière Manuscript, Bibliothèque nationale MS. fr. 24341”

Shinners, John Raymond, Jr. “Religion in Fourteenth-Century England: Clerical Standards and Popular Practice in the Diocese of Norwich”

  • Bruno P. Schlesinger Chair in Humanistic Studies, Saint Mary's College

Sommers, Mary C[atherine]. “An Edition of Walter Burley’s Quaestiones super librum Posteriorum from Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge, MS. 668*/645 with a Doctrinal Introduction”

  • Professor of Philosophy, University of St. Thomas

Stoneman, William Procter. “A Critical Edition of Ælfric’s Translation of Alcuin’s Interrogationes Sigwulfi presbiteri and of the Related Texts De creatore et creatura and De sex etatibus huius seculi”

  • Curator of Early Books and Manuscripts, Houghton Library, Harvard University


Baldner, Steven Earl. “Four Hitherto Unedited quaestiones on Creation, Attributed to St Bonaventure”

  • Professor of Philosophy, St. Francis Xavier University

Bennett, Judith Mackenzie. “Gender, Family, and Community: A Comparative Study of the English Peasantry, 1287–1349”

  • John R. Hubbard Chair of History Emerita, University of Southern California

Biddick, Kathleen. “Animal Husbandry and Pastoral Land-Use on the Fen Edge, Peterborough, England: An Archaeological and Historical Reconstruction (2500 B.C.–A.D. 1350)”

  • Professor of History, Temple University

Chase, Martin. “Einar Skúlason’s Geisli: A Critical Edition”

Dutton, Paul Edward. “Awareness of Historical Decline in the Carolingian Empire, 800–887”

  • Jack and Nancy Farley University Professor in History, Simon Fraser University

Emelity, Martha Ellen. “A Study of the Three Helgi Poems in the Poetic Edda”

English, Edward D. “Five Magnate Families of Siena, 1240–1350”

Epstein, Marcy J. “‘Prions en chantant’: An Edition with Commentary of the Old French Devotional Songs in the Manuscripts Paris, Bibliothèque nationale fr. 24406 and Bibliothèque nationale n. a. fr. 1050”

Getz, Faye Marie. “An Edition of the Middle English Gilbertus Anglicus Found in Wellcome MS. 537”

Keefe, Susan Ann. “Baptismal Instruction in the Carolingian Period: The MS Evidence”

Leader, Damian Riehl. “The Study of Arts in Oxford and Cambridge at the End of the Middle Ages”

Mooney, Linne R. “Practical Didactic Works in Middle English: Edition and Analysis of the Class of Short Middle English Works Containing Useful Information”

  • Professor of Medieval English Palaeography, University of York

Moritz, Theresa Anne. “Married Love and Incarnational Imagery: Bernard of Clairvaux’s Sermones super Cantica canticorum within Medieval Spirituality and as a Model for Love Allegory in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales”

Muir, Bernard James Edward. “An Edition of British Library Manuscripts Cotton Galba A. xiv and Cotton Nero A. ii (ff. 3r–13v)”

  • Professor of English, University of Melbourne

Nodes, Daniel Joseph. “Avitus of Vienne’s Spiritual History: Its Theme and Doctrinal Implications”

  • Professor of Classics, Baylor University

Silano, Giulio. “The Distinctiones Decretorum of Ricardus Anglicus: An Edition”

Taylor, Richard Charles. “The Liber de causis (Kalm f Mahd al-khair): A Study of Medieval Neoplatonism”

  • Professor of Philosophy, Marquette University


Celano, Anthony J. “Aristotle’s Concept of Happiness in the Thirteenth Century”

  • Professor of Philosophy, Stonehill College

Kordecki, Lesley Catherine. “Traditions and Development of the Medieval English Dragon”

  • Professor of English, DePaul University

Olson, Barbara Lynette. “Early Monasteries in Cornwall”

Parsons, John Carmi. “Eleanor of Castile (1241–1290) and the English Queenship in the Thirteenth Century”

Phillips, Heather. “John Wyclif’s De Eucharistia in its Medieval Setting”


Bodden, Mary Catherine. “Detailed Description of Oxford Bodleian Manuscript Auctarum F.4.32, along with a Close Study of its Second Gathering, an 11th-Century Old English Homily on the Finding of the True Cross”

  • Professor of English, Marquette University

Burson, Malcolm Clark. “The Early Fifteenth-Century Clergy in the Archdeaconry of Exeter: Social Origins and Roles”

Churchill, W[illiam] J. “The Annales Barenses and the Annales Lupi Protosaptharii: Critical Edition and Commentary”

De la Torre, Bartholomew R. “Thomas Buckingham’s Ostensio meriti liberae actionis, Conclusions 1 to 15, ‘De contingentia futurorum et arbitrii libertate’: An Edition and Study”

DeLeeuw, Patricia Allwin. “Pastoral Care in Eighth- and Ninth-Century Germany”

Harry, Margaret Rose. “Kristni saga, AM 371, 4to (Hauksbók) and AM 105, fol.: An Edition of the Texts, with an Introduction, Notes, and an English Translation”

Lutgens, Christine. “The Canonists of BL MS. Royal 9.E.VIII and Canon Law in England in the Fourteenth Century”

Macierowski, Edward Michael. “The Thomistic Critique of Avicennian Emanationism from the Viewpoint of the Divine Simplicity, with Special Reference to the Summa contra Gentiles”

Miller, James L. “Choreia: Visions of the Cosmic Dance in Western Literature from Plato to Jean de Meun”

Pfeffer, Wendy Eleanor. “Philomela’s Progeny: The Nightingale in Medieval French Literature”

  • Professor of French, University of Louisville

Sargent, Michael Grant. “James Grenehalgh as Textual Critic”

  • Professor of English, City University of New York

Spear, Linda Margaret. “The Treatment of Sexual Sin in the Irish Latin Penitential Literature”

Westra, Haijo Jan. “The Commentary on Martianus Capella’s De nuptiis Attributed to Bernardus Silvestris: A Critical Edition”


Bartlett, Kenneth R. “The English Exile Community in Italy under Queen Mary I (1553–1558)”

Dooley, Ann. “The Beginnings of Religious Bardic Poetry in Ireland in the Thirteenth Century”

  • Professor Emerita, Centre for Medieval Studies / University of St. Michael's College, U of T

Signer, Michael Alan. “Andrew of St Victor’s Expositio in Ezechielem: A Critical Edition”

Sitarz Fitzpatrick, Beata Urszula Barbara.”A Study of Cerveri de Girona and his Use of Language, Including an Edition of Sixteen of his Poems”


Brown, Oscar James. “Natural Rectitude and Divine Law in Aquinas: An Approach to an Integral Interpretation of the Thomistic Doctrine of Law”

Crawford, Karis Ann. “The Middle English Pety Job: A Critical Edition with a Study of its Place in Late Medieval Religious Literature”

Goering, Joseph Ward. “The Popularization of Scholastic Ideas in Thirteenth-Century England and an Anonymous Speculum iuniorum”

Henderson, Jane Frances Anne. “A Critical Edition of Evrat’s Genesis: Creation to the Flood”

Mantello, Frank Anthony Carl. “A Critical Edition of the Gesta temporum Edwardi regis Anglorum (Chapter VI of the Annales sex regum Angliae) of Nicholas Trevet, OP”

McCreesh, Elizabeth Kathleen Bernadine. “Contrasting Christian and Pagan Motifs in Certain Old Norse Family Sagas”

Oetgen, Jerome. “Ælfric’s Use of Gregory the Great’s Homiliae in Evangelia in the Catholic Homilies, First and Second Series”

Woods, Marjorie Curry. “The ‘In principio huius libri’ Type A Commentary on Geoffrey of Vinsauf’s Poetria nova: Text and Analysis”


Carley, James P. “An Annotated Edition of John of Glastonbury’s Cronica sive Antiquitates Glastoniensis ecclesie to the Year 1126”

Erb, Peter C. “The Role of Late Medieval Spirituality in the Work of Gottfried Arnold (1666–1714)”

McKinnon, Sarah Morgan. “Traditional Rural Architecture in Northwest France and Quebec: 1600–1800”

Murray, Alexander C. “Kinship Structure in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages”

Pelteret, David Anthony Edgell. “Late Anglo-Saxon Slavery: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Various Forms of Evidence”

Rodríguez, Marcia. “Sir Perceval of Gales: A Critical Edition”

Tarrant, Jacqueline [Brown]. “A Study and Critical Edition of the Extravagantes Johannis XXII”

Wieland, Gernot Rudolf. “The Latin Glosses on Arator and Prudentius in University Library, Cambridge, MS. Gg.5.35”


Conway, Charles Abbott, Jr. “The Vita Christi of Ludolph of Saxony and Late Medieval Devotion Centred on the Incarnation: A Descriptive Analysis”

Evans, Claude. “Les noms bretons dans les chartes de l’abbaye de Bégard, 1156–1458”

Green, Richard F. “Literature and the English Court in the Late Middle Ages”

Merkens, Barbara Jo. “Natural Description in Middle Scots Poetry: A Study in Style”

Parrott, Martha Mary. “The Ylias of Simon Aurea Capra: A Critical Edition”

Poole, Russell Gilbert. “Skaldic Poetry in the Sagas: The Origins, Authorship, Genre, and Style of Some Saga lausavísur”


Baldwin, Mary. “Ancrene wisse and its Background in the Christian Tradition of Religious Instruction and Spirituality”

Beer, Frances Fitzgerald. “Julian of Norwich: Revelations of Divine Love” [an edition]

Burrell, Margaret Ann. “A Critical Edition of the Provençal Romance Blandin de Cornouailles”

Cartwright, John. “Sir Gilbert Hay’s Buik of King Alexander the Conquerour: A Critical Edition of Lines 1-4263”

Chisman, Anna Mary McGregor. “Enjambement in Las cantigas de Santa Maria of Alfonso X, el Sabio”

Hutchison, Ann M. “An Edition of Book VI of John Trevisa’s English Translation of De proprietatibus rerum by Bartholomaeus Anglicus”

Kitchel, Mary Jean. “Walter Burley’s Doctrine of the Human Intellect: A Study with an Edition of Selected Texts”

Marshall, Linda Edith. “The Garments of Philosophy: A Study of Philosophical Myth in the Twelfth Century”

Pryor, John H. “The Commenda in Mediterranean Maritime Commerce During the Thirteenth Century: A Study Based on Marseilles”

Roe, Caroline Medora. “Vernacular Didactic Literature in England in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries”

Schauman, Bella T. “The Emergence and Progress of Irish Script to the Year 700”


Barratt, Alexandra A.T. “Two Middle English Translations of Aelred of Rievaulx’s De institutione inclusarum”

DiLorenzo, Raymond Douglas. “The Therapy of Epideictic Discourse in Chaucer’s Book of the Duchess: Study of a Rhetorical Event”

Hammer, Carl I., Jr. “Some Social and Institutional Aspects of Town-Gown Relations in Late Medieval and Tudor Oxford”

Harkins, Conrad Leonard, OFM. “John Pecham and the Mendicant Controversy of the Thirteenth Century”

Judy, Albert Glenn, OP. “Robert Kilwardby, OP: De ortu scientiarum: A Critical Edition”

Stouck, Mary Anne. “Studies in English Verse Hagiography: 1300–1500”

Williman, Daniel. “The Books of the Avignonese Popes and Clergy: A Repertory and Edition of the Book-Notices in the Vatican Archives 1287–1420”


Berger, Alan John. † “Narratives of Friendship and Reconciliation in Old Icelandic Literature”

DeWindt, Anne Reiber. “Society and Change in a Fourteenth-Century English Village: King’s Ripton 1275–1400”

Douglas, Audrey W. “Elemosina and English Ecclesiastical Land-Tenure 1135–1200”

Dutka, Joanna. “The Use of Music in the English Mystery Plays”

Elder, Ellen Rozanne. “The Image of Invisible God: The Evolving Christology of William of Saint Thierry”

Eleen, Luba. “The Illumination of the Pauline Epistles in French and English Bibles of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries”

Gervers, Michael. “The Cartulary of the Order of St John of Jerusalem in England (British Museum, Cotton MS. Nero E VI): A Critical Edition of the secunda camera Containing Deeds Pertaining to the Order’s Holdings in County Essex”

  • Professor, Centre for Medieval Studies, U of T / Department of Historical and Cultural Studies, UTSC

Grant, Judith. “La passiun de Seint Edmund”

Martinez, H. Salvador. “El Poema de Almería y su significado en la epica romantica”

Ward, John Oastler. “Artificiosa eloquentia in the Middle Ages: The Study of Cicero’s De inventione, the Ad Herennium, and Quintilian’s De institutione oratoria from the Early Middle Ages to the Thirteenth Century, with Special Reference to the Schools of Northern France”


Cummings, Michael. “Social History in Wulfstan’s Authentic Homilies, Based on Terminology” Gracia, Jorge Jesus Emiliano. “Francesc Eiximenis’s Terç del Crestià: Edition and Study of Sources (Chapters 353–430)”

Hogan, Mary Patricia. “Wistow: A Social and Economic Reconstitution in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries”

Lapidge, Michael. “Ideas of Natural Order in Early Medieval Latin Poetry”

Letson, Douglas Richard. “The Vernacular Homily and Old English Christian Poetry: A Study of Similarities in Form and Image”

Margeson, Robert Ward. “A Key to Medieval Fiction: Romance and Didacticism in Le morte Arthur and Le bel inconnu”

McCready, William David. “The Church-State Controversy in the Early Fourteenth Century: A Study in Late Medieval Publicistic Literature”

Styran, Roberta McAfee. “The Parliament of 1406: A Quest for Good Governance”

Whitney, Russell Lee. “The Old English Daniel: Its Structure and its Relation to the Latin Exegesis on the Book of Daniel”


Grendler, Marcella McCann. “The Trattato politico-morale of Giovanni Cavalcanti (1381–c.1450): A Critical Edition and Interpretation”

Neuss, Paula.† “The Creacion of the World” [an edition]


Chamberlin, John S. “Increase and Multiply: The Medieval Arts of Discourse and the Development of Scriptural Figures in Donne’s Sermons”

Condren, Edward Ignatius. “The Metaphor of Love: A Critical Study of Chaucer’s Early Poetry”

McCauliff, Catherine M. “The Marriage Portion in Twelfth- and Thirteenth-Century English Land Law”

Whitelaw, John. “The Idea of Poverty as Virtue, and its Role in the Historical Deveopment of the Church According to Some Writings of Petrus Ioannis Olivi (1248–1298)”


DeWindt, Edwin Brezette. “Land and People in Holywell-cum-Needingworth: Structures of Tenure and Patterns of Social Organization in an East Midlands Village, 1252–1457”

Long, R. James. “The Problem of the Soul in Richard Fishacre’s Commentary on the Sentences”

  • Professor Emeritus, Department of Philosophy, Fairfield University

Niles, Philip Harcourt. “Parliament and Society in 1376: The Role of the Commons and the Background of the Membership”


Woznicki, Andrew N. “The Metaphysical Foundation of the Order of Being in St Thomas Aquinas”