Fields of Study
- History
- Philosophy
- Religion
Areas of Interest
- Classical Arabic / Islamic Philosophy with an emphasis on natural philosophy
- history of science
Jon McGinnis is Professor of classical and medieval philosophy and a world expert in the early history of natural philosophy and physics done in the Greek-, Arabic-,- and Latin-speaking ancient and medieval worlds. He is an accomplished philosopher, classicist and Islamicist as well as having a master’s degree in Church history (and in general just finds learning fun). In addition to numerous articles, he is the author of Avicenna in the Oxford University Press’ Great Medieval Thinkers Series (which has been translated into Turkish and Persian), translator and editor of Avicenna’s Physics from his encyclopedic work, The Healing and co-translator with David C. Reisman of Classical Arabic Philosophy, An Anthology of Sources. He has been awarded three National Endowment for the Humanities awards, a Mellon grant, a John Templeton Foundation grant and has been a member of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton and the Siebold-Collegium Institute for Advanced Study at the University of Würzburg. All in all, Jon thinks that life is pretty good but better with a cup of coffee.
- Great Medieval Thinkers: Avicenna (Oxford University Press : 2010)
- The Physics of The Healing A Parallel English-Arabic Text in Two Volumes (Brigham Young University : 2009)
- Classical Arabic Philosophy An Anthology of Sources (Hackett Publishing Company : 2007)
- Interpreting Avicenna: Science and Philosophy in Medieval Islam Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Avicenna Study Group (Brill : 2004)