Hosted by the Medieval Institute at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, the International Congress on Medieval Studies is an annual gathering of thousands of scholars interested in the study of the Middle Ages extending into late antiquity and the early modern period. Covering topics such as history, language, literature, linguistics, art, archaeology, religion, science, medicine, music, drama, philosophy, gender, sexuality, mysticism, technology, and more in relation to medievalism, we are excited to support so many of our CMS Students, Faculty, and Alumni in their participation.
Beginning this Thursday, May 9 until its close on Saturday, May 11, the Congress is presented in a hybrid format making it possible to encourage our community in person and virtually.
Thursday 10 am
22 Sangren Hall 1310
Apocryphilia (1): Receptions of Biblical Apocrypha in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
Sponsor: North American Society for the Study of Christian Apocryphal Literature (NASSCAL)
Presider: Tony Burke, York Univ.
Organizer: Brandon W. Hawk, Rhode Island College
Medieval Apocrypha: A Highly Generative Genre Stephen C. E. Hopkins, Univ. of Virginia
An Apocryphal Cosmological Scheme in Latin and Slavonic Dialogue Literature Stephen Pelle (CMS Faculty / Alum)
Saint Thecla and Other Apostles in the Ukrainian Middle Ages Dariya Syroyid, Ukrainian Catholic Univ.
Thursday 1:30 pm
71 Sangren Hall 3130
Beginnings and Endings in Gower: In Memory of Peter G. Beidler
Sponsor: John Gower Society
Presider: Brian W. Gastle, Western Carolina Univ.
Organizer: Brian W. Gastle
Beginnings and Endings in Gower’s 'Carmen super multiplici viciorum pestilencia' Bard Swallow (CMS PhD Candidate)
Eight by Ten: Parallel Endings in Book 8 of Gower’s Confessio and the Tenth Day of Boccaccio’s 'Decameron' Natalie Grinnell, Wofford College
“In tyme comende after this”: John Gower, the Late-Medieval Archive, and Posterity Katherine R. Churchill, Univ. of Virginia
Closing Loops of Stops and Starts in 'Confessio amantis' Malte Urban, Aberystwyth Univ.
80 Sangren Hall 4510
Magic and Power in Elite and Popular Culture
Sponsor: Societas Magica
Presider: Samuel P. Gillis Hogan, Univ. of King’s College / Univ. of Exeter
Organizer: Vajra Regan, Centre for Medieval Studies, Univ. of Toronto
Inquisition and Allegiance: The Visconti Case Trial and Papal Politics Meghri Doumanian, McGill Univ.
The Power of a Name: Albertus Magnus and the Legitimizing Power of the Albert Legend Scott E. Hendrix, Carroll Univ.
Blood on the Altar: Magic in the Service of Church and State Vajra Regan (CMS PhD Candidate)
“Through our sins hath the might of our foe been exalted”: Polemics in Solomonic Magical Traditions Gal Sofer, Ben-Gurion Univ. of the Negev
82 Sangren Hall 4530
Strong Women in Courtly Culture (A Roundtable)
Sponsor: International Courtly Literature Society (ICLS), North American Branch
Presider: Suzanne C. Hagedorn, College of William & Mary
Organizer: Suzanne C. Hagedorn
A roundtable discussion with Sara Petrosillo, Univ. of Evansville; Benjamin S. W. Barootes, Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland–Grenfell (CMS Postdoctoral Fellow Alum); Grant Miner, Columbia Univ.; Katie Despeaux, Univ. of New Mexico; Julie Human, Univ. of Kentucky
Thursday 3:30 pm
123 Sangren Hall 2710 (hybrid)
Apollonius of Tyre: Medieval Translation and Rereading
Sponsor: Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library
Presider: Daniel Donoghue, Harvard Univ.
Organizer: Daniel Donoghue Nicole Eddy, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection
'Translatio Apollonii': Theories and Practices of Transmission across Time Emily C. Francomano, Georgetown Univ.; Clara Pascual-Argente, Univ. de Toulouse
Gender and Erasure in the Old English 'Apollonius of Tyre' William Robins (CMS / English Faculty)
Rereading the Motif of Incest: Comparative Analysis of 'Apollonius of Tyre' and Modern Fairy Tales Larisa Orlov Vilimonovic, Univ. u Beogradu
132 Sangren Hall 3520
Medieval Documentary Cultures
Sponsor: Haskins Society
Presider: William L. North, Carleton College
Organizer: Laura L. Gathagan, SUNY–Cortland
A Saint’s Life and a Woman’s Power: The Charters of Soure Castle and Their Copies in Twelfth-Century Portugal Miriam Shadis, Ohio Univ.
Inscribing the Past: Documentary Thinking and/as Historical Thinking Rachel Wilson, Yale Univ.
“For the memory of those to come”: Writing, Obligation, and Remembrance in London, ca. 1275–1350 Jack W. McCart, (CMS Student)
137 Virtual
Sponsor: Societas Magica
Presider: Vajra Regan, Centre for Medieval Studies, Univ. of Toronto
Organizer: Samuel P. Gillis Hogan, Univ. of King’s College / Univ. of Exeter
Stars, Nature, and Political Forecasts in Ottoman Archives: 'Melheme' Manuscripts and Their Cultural Significance Mai Lootah, Rice Univ.
Communing with Nature: The Reinterpretation of Fairies as Spirits of the Natural Environment in Late Medieval and Early Modern Ritual Magic and Occult Philosophy Samuel P. Gillis Hogan
“Eye of newt, and toe of frogge”: The Use of Animals and Animal Parts in Ritual Magic in Early Modern England Daniel M. Harms, SUNY–Cortland
138 Sangren Hall 4520
Early Medieval Europe (2)
Sponsor: Early Medieval Europe
Presider: Jonathan J. Arnold, Univ. of Tulsa
Organizer: Maya Maskarinec, Univ. of Southern California
Agnellus of Ravenna’s Uses of Latin Inscriptions in his 'Liber Pontificalis Ecclesiae Ravennatis' Sean R. T. Karnani-Stewart (CMS PhD Candidate)
Drinking Culture in the Carolingian Age Cullen J. Chandler, Lycoming College
Disability and Emotions in Ninth-Century Miracle Collections Kelly Gibson, Univ. of Dallas
Bede’s Martyrology and 'Correctio' in the Localities in the Ninth Century Kate R. Falardeau, Univ. of Cambridge David R. Tashjian Travel Award Winner
Friday, 10 am
185 Sangren Hall 3310
New Directions in Old English Pedagogy
Sponsor: Disinventing Old English
Presider: Mary Kate Hurley, Ohio Univ.
Organizer: Mary Kate Hurley, Ohio Univ. Tarren Andrews, Yale Univ.
Old English Riddle Translation and Close Reading in the Literature Classroom Jill Hamilton Clements, Univ. of Alabama–Birmingham
Language Learning and the Pedagogy of Play: A Collaborative Workshop on Games for the Old English Classroom Renée R. Trilling (CMS / English Faculty)
Inclusivity in Old English Education: Lessons from Community College Classrooms Emily R. Gerace, New York Univ.
“Seo weorold leornunge”: A Living Language Approach to Old English Erin E. Sweany, Univ. of Cincinnati
186 Sangren Hall 3510
Chant and Liturgy
Sponsors: Musicology at Kalamazoo; International Musicological Society Cantus Planus Study Group
Presider: Rebecca Maloy, Univ. of Colorado–Boulder
Organizer: Andrea Kate Klassen, Univ. of Texas–Austin Henry T. Drummond, Katholieke Univ. Leuven Christina Kim, Stanford Univ. Rebecca Maloy Alison Altstatt, Univ. of Northern Iowa
Signs of Meaning: Examining 'Litterae passionis' in Liturgical Contexts Mark A. Singer, Minot State Univ.
To Sing or Not to Sing: What is the Reason behind the Liturgical-Musical Directive of the 'Forma vitae' of 1253 Attributed to Clare of Assisi? Martha Mary Culshaw (CMS PhD Student)
Tuscan Fragments in the Danish Royal Library: A Case Study for Transmission and Reconstruction Kyrie E. Bouressa, McGill Univ
Friday 1:30 pm
221 Sangren Hall 1320 (hybrid)
The Glossa Ordinaria: An Evolving Text
Sponsor: Society for the Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages (SSBMA)
Presider: Frans van Liere, Calvin Univ.
Organizer: Mark Zier, Independent Scholar Frans van Liere
Evidence for the Evolving Text(s) of the Glossa in Peter Comestor’s Lectures Simon Whedbee, Loyola Univ. New Orleans (CMS Alum)
The 'Glossa Gisleberti' of MS St. Omer 220 and Rusch: Getting from A to B Mark Zier, Independent Scholar
Est-ce que la Glose est réellement un travail en divenir? Maria Valeria Ingegno, École Pratique des Hautes Études
254 Student Center 1024 (Mosaic Meeting Room)
Germanness in the Middle Ages
Sponsor: Society for Medieval Germanic Studies (SMGS)
Presider: Evelyn Meyer, Saint Louis Univ.
Organizer: Jonathan Seelye Martin, Illinois State Univ. Evelyn Meyer Adam Oberlin, Princeton Univ.
Der Umgang mit dem Orient und die Herausbildung einer deutschen Identität in Wolframs 'Willehalm' Somaia Mostafa, Univ. of Toronto
Intellectual Accuracy as German Identity in 'Sangspruchdichtung' Walker Horsfall, Univ. of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign (CMS Alum)
Adaptation, Transformation, and the Nature of “Germanness”: Translation Practice and/as Identity Formation in Courtly Narratives of the Medieval Empire Christopher Liebtag Miller, Univ. of Notre Dame (CMS Alum)
German Heroes? The Question of Ethnicity and German Heroic Poetry Jonathan Seelye Martin
270 Virtual
Resisting Regulation: Queer Space in Early Medieval England
Presider: Alexandra Bauer, Centre for Medieval Studies, Univ. of Toronto (CMS PhD Candidate)
Organizer: Alexandra Bauer Una Creedon-Carey, Univ. of Toronto
Ghost Spaces: Whispers of the Queer in the Exeter Book Riddles Ophelia Eryn Hostetter, Rutgers Univ.
Imagining Beowulfes Teors: Phallic Placement on Vellum, Textile, and Paper Denis Ferhatović, Connecticut College
Friday 3:30 pm
281 Sangren Hall 1740
Silk Roads: Trade and Ecology from the Sassanids to Timurids
Sponsor: Medieval Association for Rural Studies (MARS)
Presider: Lee Mordechai
Organizer: Phil Slavin
Diet, Ecology, and Everyday Life in the Arid Gobi: Medieval Mortuary Analysis at Baga Gazaryn Chuluu, Mongolia Michelle Hrivnyak, Western Michigan Univ.; Jacqueline T. Eng, Western Michigan Univ.
The Origins of the Ortāqī (Ortoq Partnership) in the Mongol Empire Enerelt Enkhbold, National Univ. of Mongolia / Open Univ.
The End of the “Silk Road”: Plague, Natural Disasters and Transformation of Central Asia, ca. 1330–1400 Phil Slavin (CMS Alum)
299 Sangren Hall 4310
Masters of the Sacred Page
Sponsor: Society for the Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages (SSBMA)
Presider: Mark Zier, Independent Scholar
Organizer: Mark Zier Frans van Liere, Calvin Univ.
“Stephen Langton and the Four Senses of Scripture” Revisited Alessia M. Berardi, Christendom College (CMS Alum)
“Verba sunt Magistri qui fuit in hac opinione”: Peter Lombard as 'Magister in sacra pagina' in Stephen Langton’s 'Postille super Apostolum' Peter O’Hagan, Christendom College (CMS Alum)
What Has a Master to Do with a Monk? Rethinking the Scholastic-Monastic Divide in the Writings of Stephen Langton James R. Ginther (CMS Faculty / Associate Director / University of St. Michael’s College)
Saturday 10 am
361 Sangren Hall 4320
Manuscript Vicissitudes
Sponsor: Society for Medieval Germanic Studies (SMGS)
Presider: Jonathan Seelye Martin, Illinois State Univ.
Organizer: Jonathan Seelye Martin Evelyn Meyer, Saint Louis Univ.
Manuscript Vicissitudes and Konrad von Würzburg as Author Markus Stock (CMS / German Faculty / University College Principal)
Medieval German Manuscripts and/in the Modern Literary Landscape: 'Die Steirischen Literaturpfade des Mittelalters' Alexandra Sterling-Hellenbrand, Appalachian State Univ.
Where and How Do Books Become Fragments? The Processes of Reuse of Swedish Liturgical Books as a Source of Medieval Provenance Information Emilia Henderson-Roche, Kansalliskirjasto, Helsingin Yliopisto
Manuscript Catalogs (Online or in Print) for Tracking Down Manuscripts in European Libraries Matthew Z. Heintzelman, Hill Museum & Manuscript Library
376 Virtual
Beowulf the Monster (1): The Hero and Monsters
Sponsor: Journal of Early Medieval Northwestern Europe (JEMNE)
Presider: Chris Vinsonhaler, CUNY
Organizer: Richard Fahey, Univ. of Notre Dame
Fyren in 'Beowulf': Wyrsan Wigfrecan Richard Fahey
Why Beowulf Had to Become Partly Monstrous Prodosh Bhattacharya, Jadavpur Univ.
Beowulf the Shaper: Creation, Heroics, and Monstrosity Claire E. Davis (CMS PhD Student)
Monstrous Genealogies: Transgenerational Trauma in 'Beowulf' Anca Garcia, Danville Community College
Saturday 1:30 pm
408 Sangren Hall 4120
“Maken vertu of necessitee”: Teaching Medieval and What Else? (A Roundtable)
Sponsor: Medieval Association of the Midwest (MAM)
Presider: Alexander L. Kaufman, Ball State Univ.
Organizer: Stephen Yandell, Xavier Univ.
A roundtable discussion with Tory Schendel-Vyvoda, Evansville African American Museum / Univ. of Southern Indiana / Univ. of Evansville; David O’Neil, Univ. of Southern Indiana; Sarah Powrie, St. Thomas More College (CMS Alum), Univ. of Saskatchewan; Karen R. Knudson, Olivet Nazarene Univ.; Ann Hubert, St. Lawrence Univ.; Philip Goldfarb Styrt, St. Ambrose Univ.
419 Sangren Hall 4735
Interpreting Inventories (1): Ideas of the Inventory
Sponsor: Early Book Society
Presider: Sharon M. Rowley, Christopher Newport Univ.
Organizer: Martha W. Driver, Pace Univ. / Journal of the Early Book Society
Inventories as Literary Form Rory Sullivan, Univ. of North Carolina–Chapel Hill
Inventories and the Idea of the Library David Lavinsky, Yeshiva Univ.
Person, Place, Thing: Visualizing Visual Culture in the Inventories of San Nicola, Bari Jill Caskey, (CMS / Visual Studies, UTM Faculty)
Saturday 3:30 pm
454 Sangren Hall 4110
Marked by Change: (De)coding Differences in Textual and Visual Translations
Sponsor: Medieval and Renaissance Studies Program, Univ. of Arkansas– Fayetteville
Presider: Brianna Skye Oliver, Univ. of Arkansas–Fayetteville
Organizer: Brianna Skye Oliver Emily Aguayo, Univ. of Arkansas–Fayetteville Guillermo Pupo Pernet, Univ. of Arkansas–Fayetteville
Transforming the Future in England, ca. 900–1100 Katie Menendez, Univ. of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign (CMS Alum)
Translating 'Li Romanz de Fergus' for the Twenty-First Century Emily Aguayo
Her Crimes are Verbal: Ælfric and the Translation of Evil Women Anne E. Crafton, Univ. of Notre Dame