New Latin Exam Policies

March 12, 2021 by Communications

Two new changes are taking effect for the grading of Latin Exams at the Centre for Medieval Studies.

Level One Passes

Candidates who have written both the Level-I and Level-II examinations and were unsuccessful in both may nevertheless be granted a Level-I pass if the Latin Committee deems that their performance in the Level-II examination demonstrates a knowledge of Latin sufficient to warrant it.

St. Michael's Undergraduates

The Latin Committee agrees to mark as internal the examinations of upper-level undergraduate students in the Mediaeval Studies programme at St. Michael’s College, and to award passes through the regular examination procedure.  The acceptance of such examinations for marking by the Latin Committee will occur only on the recommendation of the Coordinator of the undergraduate programme, and passing marks do not satisfy prerequisite requirements for enrollment in CMS courses or programmes.

Review All Current Exam Policies and Procedures
